Justin's Pokemon Times!

Welcome to Justin's Pokemon Times! A show where Justin explains Pokemon conspiracies to Carl! Also there's some creepypasta thrown in, we discuss the secret life of Mr. Mime, Rubbing the Captain’s back, and now much , Ghost wants to fight ghost wants to fight GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt happy April fools day GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt GhoST WantS to FiGHt GHosT waNTs to fighT gHost wANts tO fIGHt


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