Episode 5 - Voulez-Vous Parler en Patois Ce Soir?

In this episode Justin reads his apology letter to Robert the doll, we hate on the Fruity Yummy Mummy, and we learn all about how the CIA tried to kill Bob Marley, and maybe even succeeded! Make your 4/20 extra special with Episode 5: Voulez-Vous Parler en Patois Ce Soir!

Want to learn even more about Bob?

The amazing podcast Thinking Sideways has a great episode about the Hope Road Shooting.

Also there are more books than you could ever read on him, including but not limited to:
Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White
So Much Things To Say: The Oral History of Bob Marley by Roger Steffens

And here's Bob being interviewed on "Like It Is" talking about the assassination attempt.


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