Episode 30: Murder on the Herbert Fuller Part 2 - Murder, She Boat

Bienvenidos Viewers! Tonight we continue the spooky mysteries of Fiestaween with the conclusion of the blood-curdling tale of the Herbert Fuller! Whodunnit? Whydunnit? Howdunnit? We try but fail to answer all these questions and more in Episode 30: Murder on the Herbert Fuller Part 2 - Murder, She Boat! We guarantee the ending of this story is so bizarre, you won't see it coming. Just like whatever that is behind you...

Visit our TeePublic store because during the month of Fiestaween (aka October) we're sending all our profits to the Central and Eastern Carolina Food Bank to help with Hurricane Florence relief! Or, you could cut out the middle man and donate straight to the CENC Food Bank (FoodbankCENC.org), but you're not going to get a tapestry that way.


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